Calypso’s Island offers free shipping via USPS Ground (within the 48 contiguous United States) for any purchases over $50.
Please note that we cannot offer free shipping to Alaska and Hawaii or on orders shipped outside of the United States. Free Shipping promotion applies to merchandise purchased on Calypsosisland.com only.
Orders placed on CalypsosIsland.com will ship within 3 to 5 business days from the day they are placed. Please be aware of this processing time when selecting your shipping option.
Packages are delivered via USPS. Please contact Customercare@CalypsosIsland.com with any special shipping requests or for International Shipping.
For items marked special order or back-order please review expected delivery date in your shopping bag.
Some orders may require additional verification, including address verification. For your protection, our associates may contact you by email or by phone to verify your order. If we are unable to contact you for verification, shipping delays may occur. Calypso’s Island is not responsible for shipping delays once a package has left our care.
Calypso’s Island cannot assume responsibility for carrier loss or shipping delays.